San Diego Hypnotist

Advocating Mental, Physical, Emotional, Spiritual Fitness

Archive for hypno-lean

Weight Loss Update

protein shakeHello! I’m going to be my own case study now. I’m still going strong, though I’m on a plateau. That’s cool, though. I’m sticking to the plan, and my next step will be to get into regular gym activity. Just have to get over this last hanging-on bit of bronchitis.

Been listening to my hypnosis CD on Getting Organized for Weight Loss. That’s a good one for me right now because I have to constantly make sure I have the right foods on hand to make my mealtimes as efficient as possible. I make most of my meals, but generally make enough for two or three meals. I always bring my lunch to work with me. Today I have a homemade stew strictly adhering to The Cancun Diet list of allowable foods. It’s tasty, filling, and healthful. For breakfast I had a fruity protein shake, and for dinner, probably I’ll be eating a Chile Relleno, maybe two.

Occasionally, I’ll go to In and Out and have one of those lettuce-wrapped double-doubles.

What I love about this diet is being able to eat fruit. You know, this is summertime and the markets are filled with fresh, ripe, delicious watermelon, berries, peaches, nectarines, grapes, cherries, melons, apricots, and all the rest! This is the easiest time of the year to eat right, and lose weight. The Cancun Diet is wonderful because it fits like a glove with SoCal’s beach attitude. beach

What I really love about the Cancun diet is that it seems to be targeting my midsection-belly fat. That has been my biggest problem area – definitely the most uncomfortable. I feel much freer in my clothes, sitting in a theater chair, and even just putting on the seatbelt in the car.

If you haven’t tried hypnosis for weight loss, I’ll bet you’ve at least heard about it, or thought about it. We address concerns such as roller-coaster weight history, nutrition, exercise, snack addiction, self-image, self-esteem, plateaus, and much more.

I know that from where you stand, it might be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ve been there, it can be so hard to get motivated! It has been suggested that curing cancer is easier than curing obesity.

It’s understandable. Old fashioned weight loss treatment was a deprivation diet, which no one likes. And while some people may stay on it long enough to lose weight, they have done nothing about their weight problem but get smaller. The actual problem part – you know, the bad eating habits, and sedentary lifestyle – almost always remain behind, rearing their ugly heads almost immediately after the person stops doing whatever weird things they were doing to lose the weight. Hypnosis makes a difference. You see, while dieting changes you from the outside-in, hypnosis changes you from the inside-out! You see food differently. You see yourself differently.

The studies are in that people who use hypnosis tend to lose more weight than people who don’t use it, but more importantly, they keep it off longer, too!

If you are in the position of being overweight and uncomfortable with it, stop doing the same old things about it and let’s chat. Give me – Gina – a call at (760) 233-8800, and we’ll set up a free evaluation to get your history, and answer all your questions about hypnosis.

FOX Hypnosis / Hypnosis Training International – Since 1999.
120 West Grand Avenue, Suite # 204
Escondido, California 92025
(760) 233-8800

Afternoon Saturday Group Added

Our AM Saturday weight loss group is completely booked so we are going to open a second session, in the afternoon, which will meet from 1:00 to 2:30. It’s the fastest hour and a half ever, because we are a fun, supportive bunch.

Whether you want to lose 10 pounds or 100, this group addresses your individual issues.

The class is made up of four parts.

Maximize focus and commitment.
Redefine self-image.
Adopt new relationship with nutrition and exercise.
Hypno-programming for motivation and success.

At the first session each new member will receive a copy of our exclusive Cancun Diet Plan, and an amazing take-home hypnosis CD.

Please call (760) 233-8800 for a free evaluation. Private sessions also available. Since 1999.

Hypnotically yours,

Gina Fox, CHT
HypnoLean Groups
120 West Grand Avenue, Suite # 204
Escondido, California 92025
(760) 233-8800


Woman Hypnotized to Think She had Gastric Band Surgery for Weight Loss – Loses 56 pounds So Far!

Saturday Morning Weight Loss Meetings

secretary.jpgGood Morning Dear Reader!

Today is Saturday! Every Saturday morning, we meet. We are the Hypno-Lean group. We meet from 9:00 to noon. It’s the fastest three hours ever, because we are a fun, supportive bunch. Generally we start out by catching up with how our weeks have gone. Sometimes we’ve had struggles, but we try to leave the garbage at the door. No whining, no moaning, no giving up. Keeping our focus on progress. Acknowledging the results of our efforts.

Usually we have very positive reports: how much we’ve lost, how many times we’ve been to the gym, what hypnosis CD we’re currently listening to and how it’s making changes in our old habits.

Then we have a class: either about nutrition, or exercise motivation. For example, we may have a class on the importance of drinking water and how drinking 8-10 glasses benefits the weight loss process. Everyone has heard that when on a weight loss program, water is crucial, but no one ever tells us why! We think it’s important to know why.

I had one client say that her doctor always told her to drink a glass of water with lemon juice, but she never knew “why” so she didn’t do it. In our class about acidity / alkalinity she learned of the benefits, so she started doing it.

After our class, we get hypnotized to…well, whatever the class was on. So if the class was on water, we’ll get hypnotized to drink more water!

I must say, the hypnosis is the best part – we have the most advanced brainwave units available to get us into the alpha/theta state. People sometimes ask me, “What if I can’t be hypnotized?” I say, “Well, I’ve never met anyone yet who couldn’t be, and with our technology, you’re going down!” That’s what I tell them, and it’s the truth.

People also ask me, “What does hypnosis feel like?” it feels different for different people, but commonly, it’s a very relaxed, comfortable feeling. As if the mind is still awake, and the body is asleep. Some people will feel very light and floaty…while others feel very heavy, and limp, like a wet rag lying on a kitchen counter. Others feel tingly, as if they could feel the blood circulating through their bodies. It’s a very healthy state.

Every health and fitness expert will tell you everyone would do their bodies good if they’d spend 20-30 minutes engaged in some relaxation technique – whether hypnosis, meditation, prayer, reflecting quietly by a pond…As we know, much illness is triggered by stress. Hypnosis is a famous for stress reduction.

Lately, we’ve been going over the concepts of The Secret, and how to use Visualization and the Law of Attraction for creating a fit and trim physique. Most people with weight issues have hazy and fuzzy self-images. One thing we do is have the hypnotized client visualize him/herself thin – and you’d be amazed at how many people cannot do that – imagine themselves thin. And it’s just their imagination! It’s the first rule of manifestation: The clearer and more accurate the vision, the clearer and more precise the results. I think you can guess how important it is for us to get clear on our goals!

That’s all for now!

Hypnotically yours,
Gina Fox, CHT

HypnoLean Groups
120 West Grand Avenue, Suite # 204
Escondido, California 92025
(760) 233-8800

“When you marooned me on that god-forsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate: I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.” – Capt. Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean)